
Kung Gee Fook Fu Kuen (Taming the Tiger) -DVD

Kung Gee Fook Fu Kuen (Taming the Tiger)-DVD

According to legend, Kung Gee Fook Fu Kuen was created by one of the founding masters of Hung Gar, Hung Hay Kwun, seven generations ago.

You will learn one of the classic sets that has earned Hung Gar its awesome reputation.

This set introduces Hung Gar’s signature training technique, Kiu Sau (Bridge hand).

This technique builds up your forearms and has combat applications.

DVD Features:

  • 18 lessons with applications
  • English 3.1 channel
  • Full Screen Format
  • Chapter Index
  • Instructional Trailers

DVD Extra:

  • 1984 All Kung-Fu Masters Exhibitions
  • Kick Magazine Interview
  • Kwoon in the old days
  • Photo Gallery
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