Traditional Double Broadswords
The Shen family's swords have been known to have the best quality and skill for hundreds of years.
* The Shen family's swords have been known to have the best quality and skill for hundreds of years.
In the 1911 Long Quan Master Sword competition, a sword forged by the third generation of the Shen family stabbed through three solid brass blanks as well as split a sword from another maker in half, thus earning the title "King of Swords." The Shen family Long Quan Master Sword were praised as national treasure in China by the people of the highest social class.
In 1942, a Long Quan Master Sword was made for the second president of the Republic of China by special request and in 1955, a special customized Long Quan Master Sword was made for General Mao Zhe Don.
The blade itself has a moderate flex, good balance, and a good feel. Includes scabbard.
*Available in 3 Blade Lengths Weight 1.3 lbs. Unsharpened