
Winning Judo – Best Sweeps and Reaps -DVD

Winning Judo – Best Sweeps and Reaps -DVD

Winning Judo – Best Sweeps and Reaps -DVD


From the personal archives of HAL SHARP, one of the personal bodyguards to the Emperor of Japan in post WWII,

We are proud to bring you the first in this series of DVDs.

A true pioneer of American Martial Arts, was graded to 3rd Dan in Judo in the Kodokan in 1955. Like Donn Draeger who manifested his fascination with Martial Arts in writing, Hal S h a r p e x p r e s s e d his fascination on film.

* A film buff from the 1940s, Sharp used a 16mm camera to professionally shoot and capture the top Martial Arts Masters of the 20th century. This DVD will teach you leg sweeps and leg reaps like never before. Sharp will take you through all the intricacies of these sometimes difficult- to-perform skills in a way that only a true master of the art can do. 

* Each throw is done at various speeds and all are done against unwilling opponents so nothing here is set up – it is for real all the way from the beginning to the end.